Best selling Electronica Artist of a...

Best selling Electronica Artist of all time? Ever wonder who is the best selling Electronica artist of all time? Moby? Chemical Brothers? The Prodigy? nah… Independent Uk article
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Hubble Images Capture Universe’...

Hubble Images Capture Universe’s Beauty Wow
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The death of record labels?

The death of record labels? LA Times story By Todd Martens April 16, 2009 For its first album in four years, electronic-tinged rock act Metric opted to go without the backing of a music label, a move that in the past would have been daring. But the Canadian quartet’s new release, “Fantasies,” popped up in the middle of the U.S. pop chart last week. Metric accomplished that thanks in large...
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The worst WARP album ever released?

The worst WARP album ever released? Like a lot of Reaktor users i was looking forward with interest the release of Reaktor Wiz, Tim Exile’s new album.. only to read the dismal reviews.. It is already being labeled at the worst WARP album ever released! Is this album just bad or...
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Shawn Mortensen R.I.P

Shawn Mortensen R.I.P Photographer Shawn Mortensen passed away on April 15th 2009. His Website Via Shawn’s hearty career as a photojournalist and artist took him around the world several times over, unselfishly spreading his endless supply of good vibes as he went. Particularly renowned for his portraits of musicians, artists, and entertainers, Shawn photographed a stunning array...
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