Analogize your tracks!

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Analogize your tracks! A common trick among artists is to take tracks of digital origin and to process them in the analog domain to give them an “analog” flavor. The idea is to utilize cheap used analog gear and cheap digital synths you can find on Ebay to produce awesome analog sounding tracks, without having to break the bank. One of the cheapest way to ‘analogize’ your digital...
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New iPad & Android MIDI control...

New iPad & Android MIDI controller software The iPad music revolution is brewing. It seems every month we get new MIDI & OSC controllers apps. It is a matter of time before we see hundreds of MIDI / OSC / Ableton touchscreen controlling programs! Here is the latest round-up of iPad & Android MIDI controller apps: Midipad Midipad is the one of the most interesting applications created for the iPhone / iPad. This...
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The most insane synth rack ever

The most insane synth rack ever While of us working in small and modest music studios in our bedrooms and at home, are content to have our rack gear sitting on top of desks, in SKB cases and other boxes, some people with bigger studios have customized cabinets built to house their synth & music gear. Some people like to take things a bit further.. Like composer, sound designer and fellow Symbolic Sound Kyma...
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Kaoss Pad meets the Monome: Kaossono...

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Kaoss Pad meets the Monome: Kaossonome What would happen if someone decided to engineer a lovechild between a Korg Kaoss Pad and the Monome? You will get a Kaossonome, an open source hardware touch controller based on a modified ArduinomeSerial. According to the creator’s webpage, the new controller is “is fully Monome 256 compliant” and will feature “Kaoss Pad-like sampling programs and will...
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The future of radio part 5

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The future of radio part 5 What is the best way to get your music heard, if you are an independent musician? Should you pay a music service to get your music reviewed? Should you just upload your music to Itunes or CDBaby and hope someone just buys it? Should you just tweet endlessly about how great your music is? No. (more about CDBaby sales here) One of the best ways to get your music promoted, lies in a...
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