Eno Henze

Eno Henze Check out the amazing computer generated artwork of German artist Eno Henze. Some of his artwork looks like ink floating in a pool of water.. or a sheet of silk waving in the wind
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Kind of Bloop: An 8-Bit Tribute to M...

Kind of Bloop: An 8-Bit Tribute to Miles Davis Andy Baio has created a $2000 project to record (legally) an 8-bit chiptune version of Miles Davis’ Kind Of Blue (the most popular Jazz record of all time) using www.kickstarter.com. Kickstarter is a website that allows musicians and artists to pitch projects and lets people bid on them to make them a reality. The project has already raised over $4000! What would the pioneers...
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Promoters lose almost $1 million on ...

Promoters lose almost $1 million on Jay-Z concert If the most popular rapper in the planet cannot sell more than 50% of the tickets at a concert, we know the rap industry is in trouble. I am sure Jay-Z’s $750k paycheck, Mercedes Maybach concert transportation and other goodies he demanded before the concert didn’t help. Who said concert promoters know what they are doing? More...
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Photographer Galina Kurlat

Photographer Galina Kurlat Check out the work of NYC based, Fine art photographer Galina Kurlat. I specially like the specimen series
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20 years of WARP records

20 years of WARP records ...
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